The  Process
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ODM - New Product Development from Concept to Finished  Product

OEM - Outsourcing of Manufacturing for New and Existing  Products

China Sourcing - Our staff in China will watch and inspect your current products, and assist in locating new items for you.

Want to try sourcing from China on your own? Be sure to read the section below before you do.

Serving marketing companies,   OEMs and inventors,  New West Development Group is your ideal  source for complete product 
development and manufacturing services in a variety of areas, including:
Analog Audio - Signal Processors   and  Power  Amplifiers
Digital Audio - Personal and Professional Recorder/Players
Video - LCD TVs and Monitors for Commercial and Industrial Use - from 4 to 47"
Wireless - RF Audio and Data Communications Systems
Telecom  - Products and Accessories
Tooling and Molding - Excellent tooling for local or overseas production

Our capabilities include everything needed to make your new product idea a reality, and to bring it quickly to market.

  • Concept Design and Review
  • Product Specification Development
  • Patent and Intellectual Property Development
  • Industrial and Graphic Design
  • Prototyping
  • Tooling and Manufacturing
  • Importing
  • Marketing and Distribution (Through our partners)

Our professional network consists of designers, engineers, manufacturers and product marketing specialists with many years of experience taking a product from a rudimentary idea or concept to a production article, and placing it with established retailers. Our associate offices cover the Pacific Rim for access to the latest in manufacturing technology at the most cost effective rates.

In addition to developing your new product, New West can:

  • Relocate manufacturing of your existing product to one of our Asian vendors
  • Assist you in sourcing and importing almost any product being made in Asia.

Our China office - XinXi Trading - offers local contact, management, sourcing and inspections services for your production. We will be your "Man in China". 

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

Doing your own sourcing??  Self-Sourcing from China can be a DIY nightmare.  New West has help to rescue many projects from clients who thought it was easy to do it by themselves.
Sourcing from China is easy right? Yes it is - far too easy. A quick online search turns up dozens of vendors that will quote you a great price and promise the moon to you for your business. You choose one and start business, and then the other shoe drops:
The goods arrive and are defective, not right for some reason or perhaps the goods don't even arrive.
 - The shipments arrive late
 - Your contact leaves and you start having communications problems
 - The price starts changing
 - You begin to have worries abour your proprietary technology being sold out the back door, or incorporated into your vendor's own products.

Sourcing successfully from China is NOT so easy. It is a different culture and a very different way of doing business.  Things are not always what they seem. ANYONE can set up a web page and give you a great story. In China hundreds or thousands of new businesses crop up every week.

There are many unexpected challenges in China.  For example - after finding one or more interested suppliers online, you may even take a trip to visit the prospective vendors and see the factories in person. However, in China you cannot be sure that the factory that your are shown is truly that of your new supplier.  Your new partner may be actually be a trading company, getting your goods made wherever they can make the most profit and taking you to see one of these factories, claiming it is "his".  You will never know until it is too late.

 "Yes" often means "No" in Asia - can you tell the difference?  In the Asian culture, it is often considered "bad face" to say no. It is critical to be able to know when the vendor is really telling you that they don't want to do what you are asking. If pushed, the product will often be farmed out to a 3rd party, or just done badly.  Only experience can provide the training in how to understand this.

New West has 25+ years of experience sourcing and manufacturing products in Asia. We are well familiar with the many  potential problems and scams related to Asian sourcing, and how to avoid and prevent them. Our selected network of vendors have been carefully chosen for their quality, reliability, and honesty. 

We also make sure that our vendors are financially stable, and will not suddenly dissappear or be unable to complete your orders. In these current times, hundreds of Chinese factories are failing every day !  We will assure that yours is not one of them.
